指、どうしたの? 血が出てるじゃない!
What happened to your finger? It's bleeding!

 わかんない… 紙で切ったのかも。
I don't know. It might be a paper cut.

Put a band-aid on it.

 この子、まだ指しゃぶりして… 彼、もう4歳なんだから、やめないとね。
He still sucks his fingers. He's already four, so he should stop doing that.

 トミー! コンセントに指突っ込んじゃ駄目! 何度言ったら分かるの?
Tommy! Don't stick your finger in the outlet! How many times do I have to tell you that?

 トミー、こっち来い! 悪い子だぞ!二度とするな!
Come here, Tommy! You're a bad boy! Don't do that again!